About the author: Beverly Barnes Rayfield, licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, is a successful therapist, organizer, and manager of mental health and rehabilitation medical clinics. She has authored numerous healthcare articles and published health related consumer magazines. Beginning in 1999 she developed the medication management and therapeutic treatments protocols used in the Sinclair Method. Get Help NOW Using the Sinclair Method & Naltrexone provides the treatment protocol used in the Sinclair Method and has been developed as an information resource to allow you and your family greater participation and control in your treatment of excessive alcohol use, abuse, or dependency. |
Available now for only $29.95 Download the best e-book written about alcohol abuse treatment |
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“The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” |
Beverly Rayfield of Neuro Assisted Recovery, Inc. 8400 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238 941-330-2929 neuroassistedrecovery@gmail.com |
The Cure for Alcoholism Workbook The companion book for “The Cure for Alcoholism”. Complete medication management and treatment protocol that allows you to work with your physician in your hometown to reduce or eliminate your alcohol use. Order Now! Just $45.00 plus shipping |
The Cure for Opiate and Pain Medication Addiction This treatment protocol and workbook has been developed as an information resource to allow you and your family greater participation and control in your treatment of opiate dependency Download now —Just $29.95 |
What to do if your doctor will not prescribe Naltrexone I have written a letter for your physician which details exactly what the treatment protocols are, what medications are used, and what strength, dosage, and what the expected outcome should be. Download now— $10.00 |
Our comprehensive program: $300.00 (free shipping within the US) For those who can not attend our program in Sarasota, Florida, we have put together all the information, references and protocols we use in our program, plus the Cure of Alcoholism Workbook and Letter to your doctor, so you may use your own family doctor and therapist. To Order now click here